The Queen of Sheba Research Foundation, Inc.
The Ancient History of Kush: The Books They're Hiding from You
<+> 17 Black Scholars Every Teacher Should Teach <+>

The mission of the Queen of Sheba Historical and Educational Research Foundation (QSF) is to educate the public about the impact of African Nile Valley civilizations on ancient and modern society as a means to facilitate maximum intellectual and cultural exchange between America and Africa.
The world today requires a new strategy for cross-cultural engagement with Africa. This strategy should be focused on changing the popular historical narrative and image of Africa from that of suffering and stag- nation to one which emphasizes what Africa has given to the world, rather than what it has lost.

Services and Programs (in development)
The Robert B. Kennon Lecture Series
Featuring public/private U.S./Africa leaders.
QSF Mentorship Program
Between African/African-American leaders and students.
QSF Has Developed a College-Level Class Curriculum
Featuring prominently the research of Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop and Dr. George A. Reisner. The course, Ancient KUSH (Ethiopia): The Light in Egypt’s Eyes will be taught this fall 2013 at Chicago State University.